Nissan Juke Service and Repair Manual : Door & Lock type 3

Intelligent key battery
Removal and Installation 1. Release the lock knob at the back of the Intelligent Key and remove the mechanical key. 2. Insert a flat-blade screwdriver (A) wrapped with a cloth into the slit of th ...

How to use this manual
APPLICATION NOTICE Information Check the vehicle type to use the service information in this section. ...

Other materials:

On board diagnostic (OBD) system
Diagnosis Description This system is an on board diagnostic system that records exhaust emission-related diagnostic information and detects a sensors/actuator-related malfunction. A malfunction is indicated by the malfunction indicator lamp (MIL) and stored in ECU memory as a DTC. The diagnos ...

Diagnosis and repair workflow
Work Flow OVERALL SEQUENCE DETAILED FLOW 1.INTERVIEW FOR MALFUNCTION Interview the symptom to the customer. >> GO TO 2. 2.SYMPTOM CHECK Check the symptom from the customer's information. Check that any symptom occurs other than the interviewed symptom. Insufficient cooling/hea ...

B1074, B1075, B1076, B1077, B1078, B1079 diagnosis sensor unit
DTC Logic DTC DETECTION LOGIC DTC CONFIRMATION PROCEDURE 1.CHECK SELF-DIAG RESULT With CONSULT-III 1. Turn ignition switch ON. 2. Perform “Self Diagnostic Result” mode of “AIR BAG” using CONSULT-III. Without CONSULT-III 1. Turn ignition switch ON. 2. Check the air bag warning lamp statu ...