Nissan Juke Service and Repair Manual : Ventilation System

SRS air bag warning lamp does not turn on
Diagnosis Procedure 1.CHECK COMBINATION METER POWER SUPPLY AND GROUND CIRCUIT Check conbination meter unit power supply and ground circuit. Refer to MWI-51, "COMBINATION METER : Diagnosis Pr ...

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STRG branch line circuit
Diagnosis Procedure 1.CHECK CONNECTOR 1. Turn the ignition switch OFF. 2. Disconnect the battery cable from the negative terminal. 3. Check the terminals and connectors of the steering angle sensor for damage, bend and loose connection (unit side and connector side). Is the inspection resu ...

Diagnosis system (air bag)
Description CAUTION: • Never use electrical test equipment on any circuit related to the SRS unless instructed in this Service Manual. SRS wiring harnesses can be identified by yellow and/or orange harnesses or harness connectors. • Never repair, splice or modify the SRS wiring harness. If ...

If your windshield is not clear after using the windshield washer or if a wiper blade chatters when running, wax or other material may be on the blade or windshield. Clean the outside of the windshield with a washer solution or a mild detergent. Your windshield is clean if beads do not form whe ...