Nissan Juke Service and Repair Manual : Repairing material

Foam Repair

During factory body assembly, foam insulators are installed in certain body panels and locations around the vehicle. Use the following procedure(s) to replace any factory-installed foam insulators.


Use commercially available Urethane foam for sealant (foam material) repair of material used on vehicle.

<Urethane foam for foaming agent> 3M™ Automix™ Flexible Foam 08463 or equivalent

Read instructions on product for fill procedures.

Example of foaming agent filling operation procedure 1. Fill procedures after installation of service part.

a. Eliminate foam material remaining on vehicle side.

b. Clean area after eliminating form insulator and foam material.

c. Install service part.

d. Insert nozzle into hole near fill area and fill foam material or fill enough to close gap with the service part.

1. Urethane foam

1. Urethane foam

A. Nozzle insert hole

2. Fill procedures before installation of service part.: Vehicle front

2. Fill procedures before installation of service part.

a. Eliminate foam material remaining on vehicle side.

b. Clean area after eliminating foam insulator and foam material.

c. Fill foam material on wheelhouse outer side.

1. Urethane foam

1. Urethane foam

A. Fill while avoiding flange area

NOTE: Vehicle front


Fill enough to close gap with service part while avoiding flange area.

d. Install service part.


Refer to label for information on working times.

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